A Minnesota native, I graduated from the University of Minnesota with degrees in Spanish and Public Relations. I studied a semester abroad in Spain and spent time traveling Europe throughout college.
While studying, I knew I didn’t want to take the traditional route in life so I decided to save my money to explore the world. Spending hours waiting tables, working through some personal ups and downs and acknowledging that the plan I had for life doesn’t always happen in the order I would like it to, I finally set off to explore South America. After returning home, I felt a strong urge to continue this lifestyle so I once again saved my money and here I am!
I love lists and I’m a huge believer of never-ending bucket lists. I find true excitement in the simple, sometimes silly, things in life. A little really does go a long way and I believe that in many cases, less is more. Whether it’s a tiny backpack or a hammock for a bed.
Travel has always been and always will be on my bucket list as it is my true passion. Traveling solo has been something I have not only always wanted to do, but I believe it is something that I need to do. Through my bucket list and finally accomplishing something so deeply important to me I hope to find the self-love, confidence and sense of purpose that I have been hoping to discover. While I am aware that leaving doesn’t necessary hand over happiness, I truly believe that walking away from my comfort zone and into the unknown is good for my soul, my mind and my life.
I first remember being fascinated with traveling when my grandmother bought me a book of paper dolls that were from other cultures. I could mix and match the outfits on the different girls. Curiosity flooded my mind as I played with the dolls. I desperately wanted to know which outfit belonged to which girl and why. I wondered what they did for fun. What their school looked like. If they talked like me. I knew that whatever it took, one day I would find out the answers to my questions.
When I’m not traveling and making bucket lists you can find me outdoors, breathing into my yoga practice, sipping smoothies, trying out new healthy recipes, reading, taking photos, biking, spending time with my loved ones and searching for the next adventure wherever I am.
I’m a lover of many things but mostly hummus, ice cream, playing in the rain, coloring, being goofy, good conversation, documentaries and anything random.